[Departamento de Execução] EP03 | Enforcement Department | Luo Jin/Yang Zishan | YOUKU

♪Willing to reserve space for time♪ ♪As the bustles scorch the world♪ ♪Deep eternal love is the hardest♪ ♪On the one hand, it’s dangerous. On the other, it is a test♪ ♪I can’t get the boy out of my mind♪ ♪He is as green as before♪ ♪The human heart is most unpredictable in times of crisis♪ ♪Someone steps up, and someone is in distress♪ ♪Walk shoulder to shoulder for justice♪ ♪Wait for the answer from time♪ ♪No matter how hard it is, they keep on being brave♪ ♪Dedication fulfills all things♪ [Enforcement Department] [Episode 3] We’re starting the meeting now. Director General Zhou, please announce the decision of the court. Don’t take it that formal. Chief Judge Chu often complains to me, saying that you are under great pressure at work, that there is not enough staff, and that the case closure rate is low. Now the reinforcement is here. This is Judge Qi Lin, who holds the highest case closure rate in the Criminal Division. Let’s welcome him! Qi Lin, today is your first day on duty. Introduce yourself. Hello, seniors. Thank you, leader, for trusting me and choosing me among so many excellent judges in the court. I feel extremely honored. I’m here at the 2nd Enforcement Division mainly to learn. Please be patient with me. In the coming days, whether it’s cleaning or serving tea, I will cooperate with everyone’s work. If, I mean if, if there’s anything I don’t do well, please bear with me a bit. Six months. It will pass quickly. Done? Done. Concise. Witty. Humorous. Chu Yun, express something on behalf of the division. Thanks to the court for the generous support. Finally, we received some help. However, the conditions here can’t compare with the Criminal Division. We are all on the front lines facing various executed parties, doing all the dirty and tiring work. But even though it’s tough and difficult, I ask for your patience, Judge Qi. Six months. It will pass quickly. You’re done too? Done. You’re the Chief Judge. Mind your influence. Let us welcome Judge Qi with warm applause! You’re a big disappointment. What kind of attitude was that? Was that your big picture? It was too small. I order you, from now on, you are not allowed to treat Qi Lin with personal emotions. Could you do me a favor? I’m begging you. It’s a deal. Swallow your pride. Ye Xuan, nice to see you. Nice to see you. I’m Judge Assistant Ye Xuan. Please take good care of me. You’re welcome. Yan Anyang. I’m Judge Assistant Yan Anyang. Pleased to work with you. Pleased, too. Are you Tian Jia? Nice to see you, Judge Qi. I’m Clerk Tian Jia, Nice to see you. Ouyang Lulu. I’m a judge assistant. You can just call me Lulu. Pleased to meet you. Pleased, too. Nice to see you, Judge Qi! I am Clerk Zhang Tianyi. This way, please. Chief Judge Chu has instructed that your workstation is here. Fine. I can do it myself. No problem at all. My pleasure! Thank you. I can manage. Go on with your work. Thank you. Why are you back so late? Where’s Mom? She’s asleep. Yun, you seem down. Did you face troublesome issues again? Our court rotates positions. They transferred a quota judge from the Criminal Division. Isn’t that good? You always said you are short of people. But he is a tough nut to crack, does things his own way at work, and is completely out of sync with us. You can’t just label people randomly. Since he’s a quota judge, he’s definitely very outstanding, if not one in a million. The organization surely knows him well. If he doesn’t break procedures, being flexible in handling things won’t be a problem. I just can’t stand him. I can’t even send him back. If he always goes against us, how can we work together? He’s a new colleague. Everyone has their own style of working. You all need to adjust. What are you doing here? You have stood there for ages. It’s been 67 minutes. He hasn’t stopped. He hasn’t even taken a sip of water. Clearly, the leadership took it out on him because of you. Don’t you think they did that on purpose? Do you mean I made a mistake? Didn’t you make a mistake? Why are you like this? Do you think the leadership in the court is as small-minded as you? I don’t think they’re broad-minded. You know Chief Judge Chu’s face was pulled this long. He can join any department except hers. Runyu, listen, you are his aunt, so you need to help him. If you can’t do it, then go to his director general. If the director general can’t handle it, go to the president. What is above the president? The Central Government. That’s even better. Are you out of your mind? This is his job. Wherever needed, that’s where he goes. As the family of a judge, we need to be aware. We have to support our kid. It’s not that I don’t support him. I just fear the unexpected. If Chief Judge Chu decides to make life difficult for him, our kid will suffer. It’s just half a year. After half a year of rotation, who cares about all this? She’ll have to send our Qi Lin back to the Criminal Division anyway. Don’t worry. You need to help him! Qi Lin, have some water. ♪The path beckons to the horizon♪ ♪With boundless hope♪ ♪Our spirits soar♪ ♪Dreams unfurl their wings♪ ♪Though trials may test our resolve♪ Good morning, Chief Judge Chu. Good morning. [Woman’s changing room] ♪The five-star red flag flutters in the wind♪ ♪The song of victory is so loud♪ ♪Dear motherland…♪ Morning. You are earlier than I am. I’m used to it. Were you also this early in the Criminal Division? I need to explain. I have a habit of getting up early for exercise, so I arrive at the court earlier than others every day. Since I’m idle, I might as well mop the floor. No other intentions. Qi Lin, I don’t care about your habits in the Criminal Division, but you need to change this habit here. We have regulations. Cleaning is done on a rotation basis. Okay. Sir, whom are you looking for? I’m looking for your boss. Please wait, let me call him. I know where he is. Sir! Lawyer Cui, I have an urgent matter. You need to prioritize this for me. Yongkang Fitness Equipment Factory has a 10% share transfer agreement being processed by the market supervision department. Please help me apply to terminate the process and cancel this agreement immediately. You’re always in such a hurry. I was actually looking for you. Tiancheng isn’t planning to represent your case anymore. Are you going to abandon me, too? Are you all going to kick me when I’m down? Mr. Zhou is forcing me to pay back his money. How am I supposed to pay? You are my representative lawyer. You should have some professional ethics! At least, you should clear this mess up for me! Okay, first settle my lawyer fees. Don’t be so heartless, okay? Yes, my factory is about to go bankrupt, but the land is still there. It was you who recommended that I buy that land. Alright. I don’t mean to blame you for it. Just help me out. Help me sell the factory. I know you have wide connections. Once we sell the factory, I could make a 30% profit, even 20% would be fine. I’ll give you a 3% cut. Based on the information we have, though Li Ren promised to repay, he is still playing tricks. As of now, he hasn’t paid the first installment. Zhang Nan went to collect the debt and was detained by his workers at the horse ranch. The nature of this incident is very bad. So, the court leadership has decided to carry out the enforcement against Li Ren once more. Today’s meeting is to remind everyone that the court values the work of the Enforcement Department very much. Not only have they implemented a rotation system, but they will also remotely monitor our key enforcement cases. Today’s enforcement of the Li Ren case will be attended by the court leadership. Of course, I don’t mean that the presence of the court leadership should make everyone nervous and disrupt our technical operations. We will work as usual today. Just enforce it according to the regulations. Understood? Understood. Let’s move out. Chief Judge Chu, I would like to request a leave. My stomach is not feeling well today. I really can’t attend today’s enforcement. I’m so sorry. I request to participate in his place. [Strive to let the people] [experience fairness and justice in every judicial case] How was that punch of mine? That punch sent you to the Enforcement Department. You should respect your teacher. How can you joke with your teacher like this? Prepare your left cheek after work. I’m going to hit it. I’m waiting for you. [Court] President Tang. Vice President Ma. Brief us on the situation. Alright. This case was judged years ago, but Li Ren, the party subject to enforcement, has been missing. Several actions have failed to finalize the judgment. Not long ago, we summoned him once, and he promised to repay, but he hasn’t fulfilled it according to the agreed timeline to date. Today, the 2nd Enforcement Division will enforce the judgment on the horse ranch under his name. Another cunning deadbeat. I’m telling you, the police are coming. Do you realize this is illegal? Let me go! Let me go! Behave yourselves! Chief Judge, I’m here! Chief Judge Chu, save me! Command Center, the 2nd Enforcement Division is now enforcing the judgment on the Li Ren case. You’re finally here. I’ve been waiting here for you for a long time. Let him go! Let me go! We can’t release him, Chief Judge Chu. I knew you were coming today, so I waited here obediently. I didn’t expect him to arrive first and start smashing and looting. You don’t know what he was like just now. If there hadn’t been so many of us, we couldn’t have restrained him. You’re talking nonsense! Li Ren, I’m telling you again, let him go! I really can’t release him, Chief Judge Chu. He’s a thug. How about this? I’ll help you escort him to your car. Take him away from here. Ren, I beg you. I was wrong. I was a bit impulsive just now. Just give me the money back. How about this. Even if you pay back a portion, it’s okay. My wife and kids have nowhere to live now. I owe others money too. Just pity me. Ren, I’m begging you. President Tang… I’m begging you. If this time, they manage to crack this tough nut, I have a request. This quarter’s complaints about the 2nd Enforcement Division, can you help handle them? – Too many complaints… – What were you doing just now? – discourage young people… – In front of the judge… – as if they are losing respect… – are you acting pitiful? and are less valued. Let me go now! Is it their respect or your respect? My face doesn’t matter! Haven’t you always told me to care more about the development of the young? He’s very malicious. You have one month. He’s a thug. Hurry up and take him away. Don’t let him appear here. How can you act so well? Don’t you know what I’m here for? I was here to verify your purchase of horses! You have money to buy horses but not to pay debts, huh? Chief Judge Chu, listen to me. I found out he just bought four small horses, each worth one or two hundred thousand yuan. Those horses are definitely still at the horse ranch! Zhang Nan, are you crazy? Chief Judge Chu, my horse ranch hasn’t had a single horse for years. Go inside and check for yourself. Don’t believe his lies. Li Ren, you’re talking nonsense! Look at him! I’m telling you for the last time, let him go! Mr. Li. Mr. Li. It’s not such a big deal. Just release him. But… If you don’t have money, we can’t enforce it anyway. Besides, with so many of us here, can’t we keep an eye on him? No need. – Mr. Li. – No need. It’s not such a big deal. Just let him go. But… Why is this kid applying physical contact? It seems he still needs to learn the enforcement standards. He must repeatedly learn. Qi Lin hasn’t adapted to this job yet. We’ll teach him patiently. Shao Jun. Come on, help Mr. Li control that guy. – Understood! – No need. Mr. Li, do you also distrust the judicial policemen? Let go of him. Let go of me! Hurry up and take him away. Don’t let him appear here. Let go… What are you mumbling about? Nothing. Chief Judge Chu, listen to me. I really didn’t come here to smash and loot as he said. I was here to verify his purchase of horses. Look, this is the sales contract I got through a friend. – That’s fake! – This is the sales contract. This is real! There are also copies of the customs documents. This is what you call concealing assets. Go search and check quickly! Chief Judge Chu, we have the evidence now. What are we waiting for? Go inside and check. Stay in the back. Look. [Kunpeng Equestrian Club] Avoid direct conflicts. Strike from the periphery. Minimize the control area! Ye Xuan, take photos of everyone present for the record. Understood. Why are they taking photos? Ouyang Lulu, apply for the police force immediately! Understood. Those hindering enforcement and evidence collection will be detained for 15 days. What? Why do we need to be photographed? No problem. Chief Judge Chu, the court is forty minutes away. Can the police force make it in time? Indeed. Captain Liu. I’m Qi Lin from the 2nd Enforcement Division. We are currently at the Kunpeng Equestrian Club on Xiqi Road. They have more than twenty people. We suspect they are premeditatedly planning to collectively obstruct the enforcement. We do not rule out the possibility that they are an underworld gang. What’s going on? We request immediate reinforcement of police forces. The police forces will arrive within ten minutes. Judge, we are not the underworld! We just came here to help with the mowing. Yes, Judge. We were all here to help with Mr. Li’s work. – What are you saying? – I… I can leave right now! Yes, we were all here to help with Mr. Li’s work. It’s a court enforcement. Unrelated personnel, please leave quickly. All those obstructing official duties will be detained for 15 days. This… Let’s leave, hurry! Leave quickly! Don’t leave. I paid you for nothing? We don’t want to be detained for your 100 yuan! No, don’t leave! You still owe me 50 yuan! Li Ren, open the gate. The Enforcement Department needs to conduct a search. Here’s the search warrant. Open the gate! Search then. It’s up to you. Open the gate. [Police] Chief Judge Chu. [No. 2] Why not give me a ride? It would be more convenient. There is just one shed. Everything else has been demolished. Open it. It’s empty. There’s nothing here. Where are the horses? That side is empty, too. There’s nothing there, either. Li Ren, open the door. It is empty inside, too. See? There are no horses here. I told you. It has turned into a chicken coop. There’s nothing left. Li Ren, the evidence of your horse purchases is all here. Continuing this way is of no benefit to you. Yes, I was wrong. I did buy two horses. I was trying to flip them to make some money. Isn’t it about repaying debts? But recently, there was a cold snap and a typhoon. The horses weren’t accustomed to it and died. I’ve already dealt with the bodies. You have dealt with them? [Yingfa Ranch] How and where did you deal with them? Did you bury them or burn them? Or did you sell the horse meat? I really did sell the meat. I can’t just lose all my money. When did the horses die? Don’t stand there, bro. I’m scared to even go there. This pile of feed might fall on you. When did the horses die? Last week when there was a typhoon. That’s not right. The label on the feed clearly states it was delivered today. Honestly, after death comes the doctor. Wasn’t there a typhoon? The feed arrived late and got here today. It was too late to return it. Don’t change the subject. I’m asking you why the feed is new here today. Well, how could I tell when would it be delivered here by the logistics company? Why are you asking me this? You can’t just know nothing. You must explain clearly today. You’re picking on me, huh? What are you up to? Are you picking on me? I won’t take it! What are you up to! Li Ren! Move aside! Why are you hitting me? I didn’t hit you! It’s you who keeps pulling on me! How did I fall if you didn’t hit me? What’s this? Are you bullying me because you have more people? Do you think I’m an easy target? You’re pushing me to the edge. Move away! Li Ren! Move away! Step back! – Back up! – Step back! I told you… Back off! Not to bully me! Drop it! Did you hear? Drop it! Zuo, notify the bailiffs to reinforce immediately. Control the scene. What are you up to? Everyone, take care! Get out! All of you, leave! Drop it! The situation will escalate! You forced me into this! Get away! Calm down! Go! Drop it! This… I… Drop it! Did you hear? Let go of me! I… I will kill you all! Be careful! Be careful! Make way! Don’t move! Alright, I won’t move… Crouch down! I won’t move. I won’t move. Behave! Put the handcuffs on! Take him away! Go! Was that necessary? Command center. This is the site of enforcement. The risk has been mitigated. Evacuate safely. Let’s leave. [Command and Dispatch Platform] As you said, for three months, complaints will not be included in the assessment. Judge Qi! Judge Qi, this is for you! You should try this! – This is really delicious! – Judge Qi, the water for you! No need. I wasn’t that exaggerated! Try this, it’s super tasty. Judge Qi, please have a seat. You’re impressive. That move just now was really quick. Have you been training? Judge Qi, your arm… is your arm okay? Don’t touch me, or I might extort money from you. Don’t touch. Judge Qi, I think you should go to the hospital for an X-ray. Just kidding. What’s this little injury? It’ll be fine by tomorrow. You see, I’m fine. Judge Qi… I’m sorry! Listen, I can’t help you with anything else, but starting today, just tell me what you want to eat, and it’s my treat! Qi Lin, come in for a moment. I’ll remember what you said. Wait and treat me to a meal. What’s the matter? Have you realized your mistake? What mistake? Although today’s incident of violence against the enforcement was handled properly, I still need to remind you that law enforcement officers must avoid physical contact with the persons being executed. If the other party is elderly, a woman, or a child, some situations might not be made clear. Whether it’s our staff getting hurt or the executed persons, both are serious incidents. Given your performance today, I require you to memorize this. [People’s Court] Before you memorize it, [Standards for Handling Enforcement] I won’t allow you to attend field duties. [People’s Court Standards for Handling Enforcement] I need to emphasize once more that my requirement is precise to the letter. Otherwise, I don’t mind you continuing to memorize it until your rotation ends. Understood. Wait. How’s your arm? It’s fine. Thanks for your help today. It was just a reflex. Caiyan is back! Nice to see you! Is my dad around? He just finished with a client. He’s inside. Dad! Uncle. Zifeng. As soon as Zifeng arrived, he insisted on visiting your law office. It shows he has a strong sense of career. Caiyan, go to the rest area and get some fruit for us two, and I have a few words with Zifeng. You’re sending me away again. Talking business behind my back? I shouldn’t have come back from abroad. There were well-known law firms that sent Zifeng job offers. I don’t know what got into him that he insists on coming back to join you. It shows he has good judgment. Alright. Go ahead. Zifeng, have a seat. Okay. Zifeng, you did well to persuade Caiyan to come back from abroad. She was all alone overseas, far from home. Her mother has always been especially worried. Thank you, Uncle, you’re too polite. If it wasn’t for you securing me a spot as an exchange student, I’d still be a nobody. Zifeng, your qualifications are among the top in the Qinggang legal community. Keep it up! I’m planning to start work tomorrow. No rush. If you start work tomorrow, Caiyan will come after me. [People’s Court of Qinggang City] "Regarding the decisions of arbitration bodies established by law, if one party does not comply, the other party may apply to the People’s Court…" Judge Qi, I’m leaving now. Alright. "Regarding the decisions of arbitration bodies established by law, if one party does not comply, the other party may apply to the People’s Court for enforcement. The court that receives the application should carry out the enforcement." "With jurisdiction." What? "The other party may apply to the People’s Court with jurisdiction for enforcement." Remember, my requirement is precise to the letter. Don’t worry, I won’t even miss a punctuation mark. Just wait and see. "The other party may apply to the People’s Court with jurisdiction for enforcement. The court that receives the enforcement…" Hello, Auntie. Qi Lin, listen, your uncle made an amazing roast goose today. When are you getting off work? Roast goose? I really do want to eat it, but I can’t go back today, because I have to work overtime. What overtime? Just memorizing the standards. What standards? Who ordered you to memorize the standards? That woman who came to our house for enforcement. She insisted that I memorize the standards. Enough, stop it. Just come back for the roast goose. Runyu, where is the napkin? Isn’t it in the closet above the stairs? You put it there. You always hide things. Did you find it? Let me see. Here it is. Forgot, huh? Honestly. Alright. Come back for the roast goose. You can memorize the standards at home. Auntie, what closet were you talking about? The one above our stairs. Your uncle always stuffs things in there and then forgets them himself. Well, you and uncle go ahead and eat. No need to wait for me. I’ll be back soon after memorizing a few more pages. Alright. Closet. Runyu. Do you need plates? No need. I have them here. Put it here. May I give you a suggestion? Sure. Every time I make delicious food, you call Qi Lin back home. You should call our son back too. I would like to call him, but how can I even reach him? Give him a call. As soon as Qi Lin comes back late, you call him. You can also call our son. Whenever I call Qi Lin, he always picks the phone up right away. I could call your son a hundred times, but he might not pick up once. Look, this shows some bias. Fang Dacheng, have a little conscience, will you? Back when you were unemployed and I was laid off, it was Qi Lin who sold his parents’ house to get this shop for us. Am I biased? Do you really think so? I remember it all. Runyu, I didn’t mean anything by it. I mean, while you’re calling Qi Lin ten times, you could also give our son a call. Okay, I’ll call now. No rush. I’m calling now. Look at you. Listen carefully. I’m turning on the speaker. No rush. [Fang Qiang] [Fang Qiang] Did he pick up? You might be calling him while he’s in the bathroom. You smelled that? Honestly. [People’s Court of Qinggang City] Closet… Closet… Judge Qi, aren’t you leaving yet? You may leave first. Judge Qi, if I may say so, since you just arrived, don’t push yourself too hard. There is endless overtime in our division. [Distance measuring, the horse barn] [No. 2 Horse Barn] What are you doing? Regarding this No. 2 Horse Barn, I feel like there’s something off about its size. Let me calculate it. May I try it? Come with me. Are these the video recordings from today’s enforcement activities? Yes. But recently, there was a cold snap and a typhoon. The horses… What’s your exact height? What? Your height. It’s 181 centimeters. Then your stride should be about 86 centimeters or 87 centimeters. Make it 90. I have long legs and a big stride. [Generating] [View Project Results] [Print] Did you get the results that quickly? The internal area of No. 2 Horse Barn is 355 square meters. How did you calculate that? I can’t explain it in a few words. I’ve applied the method named Anchor Point Coordinate Calibration. Is it accurate? More or less. Something seems off. I saw on the satellite map that the exterior area of No. 2 Horse Barn is 452 square meters. The internal area you calculated is 355 square meters. That’s a 20% difference. Normally, a building like a horse barn should have a usage rate of over 90%. Namely, its internal area should be around 405 square meters. Subtracting 355 from 405, where did those 50 square meters go? You’d have to ask yourself. Thanks, Yan Anyang. No problem. If you need help with such a task again, just reach out to me. No problem. I knew there was something fishy here. [Distance measuring; the horse barn] Closet… Sorry. Are you okay? I’m fine. I’m in a hurry. Judge Qi! Judge Qi! Where are you heading? Let me give you a ride. No need, it’s not on my way. You may go back first. I’m heading to Kunpeng Equestrian Club. Where are you heading? Get in the car! ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Confused, stumbling, lonely, wandering, speechless ones♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Long-lost, speechless, lively, restless folks yearning♪ ♪Drowning, rescuing, anxious, powerless people evading♪ ♪Fleeing beings quiet, noisy, chaotic, and collapsing♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t face it♪ ♪Brave, firm, gritty, protective souls♪ ♪Fighting tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪ ♪Evil, hypocritical, despicable, cowardly, complex individuals♪ ♪Ethical, moral, disappearing, lonely persons spreading♪ ♪Dark, obscure, destructive characters♪ ♪All can’t resist♪ ♪Brave, firm, noble, protective souls♪ ♪Moving forward tirelessly with bravery♪ ♪Illuminating you and me♪